So, here is a funny story....talk about cultural shock?? here is an example for you :)
Summer 2009, Arizona, freaking hot....I am hungry and for some reason I am carless, therefore I decide to hop the fence and walk to Sonic, which is about 7-8 minutes walking distance (12 minutes if you don't hop the fence). Keep in mind the only reason I went there was because I didn't feel like walking more than that in a hot summer day. I had never been at Sonic (America's Drive-In) before and I thought it was a normal fast food restaurant. I get there and I start looking for the door...I find one I open it and then I close it real quick because I realize it is the door to the kitchen. hmmm, I start walking around the building once...and I see no door....I walk twice and still see no door...but there are cars in line for the drive in, and they are all looking at me weird...go figure! At one point I decide that I am going to do it! I open the door, a guy turns around and asks me: "May I help you?". I simply answer: "Yes, can I have a cheesburger?". The dude's response is just as simple: "First time at Sonic (America's Drive-In) huh? Let me show you how it works"....Embrrassing enough....Why can't it work like any other fast food place on the globe???